Tag Archives: Canterbury

Westgate Hall Wine Challenge, 20th April

I am delighted to help the Westgate Community Trust raise funds for the refurbishment of the Westgate Hall. We will be holding an event on the 20th of April. It iss short notice, I know, but I thought you’d like to know there are a few tickets available. It promises to be a great night of fun, food and wine.

The Challenge involves tasting six wines, in teams of 5 or 6 people, and answering some questions about the the wines (with some clues and advice from me). The most successful team will win a selection of wines. There is also a delicious light supper produced by Patrick Williams (of Patrick’s Kitchen, from the Goods Shed).

The Westgate Hall Wine Challenge is on the 20th of April, at 7pm at the Westgate Hall,  Canterbury. Tickets are £25 and will help raise much needed funds for the refurbishment of the Hall. You can book as teams of 5 or 6 or individually (we can help make up tables). To book please send an email to the westgatecommunitytrust@gmail.com or call 07912626433.

Here is a bit more information about the Westgate Community Trust and what they are trying to achieve:

“About three years ago the Westgate Hall, a 100-year old large Drill Hall in the centre of Canterbury that is used for community events, dancing, fairs, giving blood, concerts,  meetings, etc. was threatened with demolition due to budget cuts. A group of local people got together and formed the Westgate Community Trust, a charity that have managed to give this big building a new future as a community hall and a digital cinema, by forming a partnership with Curzon Cinemas. They are about to sign the lease for the building now and are getting ready to do a major refurbishment of the building, which needs a new roof, new windows, doors, etc.

Canterbury is a great city, attracting so many visitors from all over the world, yet local people can often feel that there is little for them in the city, and few opportunities to engage in social activities and hobbies. The Westgate Hall will be run as a centre for people of all ages Canterbury to meet, learn and play. And it will be a venue for local businesses to hold events.”
